
Help needed - looking for a blog banner

There's been a slight lul in the actual science here as I'm preparing for a couple of very exciting bloggy things right now which include the need for a blog banner.

Does anyone know where I can get something simple and stylish to put at the top of my blog? I'm happy to pay a small amount but I am an impoverished ex-student so don't have that much money to spare. On the other hand I know a couple of other people looking for this as well at the moment, so I'd pass the name on.

Any hints please say in the comments or drop me an email.



  1. Do you have an idea as to what you want it to look like?

  2. I have a few vague ideas - mostly just the name a maybe a small pic of a bacteria. Unless anyone has any better ideas...

  3. A familiar dilemma this. My thoughts: 1) Commissioning an artist create a proper banner is the one and only aspect of a blog I regard as worth spending actual money on. 2) A favorite. 3) It never hurts to try.

  4. My friend Jenny is a graphic designer and she did mine (I got the friend discount so I only had to pay her a burrito, but I don't know how much she'd charge). Want me to pass her info along?

  5. I need one as well. I'm so terribly challenged when it comes to arty stuff.

  6. LabRat, James, shoot me an email with any ideas you have (images, color scheme, font, title, dimensions, etc). I can't promise professional quality but I am a bit of a hobbyist. :)

    ecophysiomichelle at gmail.

  7. Got one now, thanks for all the suggestions!


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