The first forays into microscopy revealed a whole world of blobs, tiny microscopic organisms that were invisible to the naked eye. These went through a range of different names, from the 'animalcule' denomination given by Anton van
', a name that still stands.
means, literally, 'no nucleus', and it's use allows the world of living organisms to be split up into two groups:
are things with a nucleus, a membrane covered partition to hold DNA, as well as many
are...uh...everything else.
Which means that the label '
prokaryote' was always waiting to fall apart. After all, they may just be blobs but there are a lot of them, and some are very
different blobs. Around the 1970's people started noticing that there were a group of the
prokaryotes that behaved differently, mainly through studies done by
Carl Woese and
George E. Fox who created classification tables based on the genetic sequences of
ribosomal RNA (the part of the genome most likely to be conserved, this is often used for classification, especially of things in Deep Time). This showed that there was a distinct group of
prokaryotes with a mostly
separate evolutionary history (more on the mostly later) to the rest of the
prokaryotes. They were
originally named '
archaebacteria', and together with '
eubacteria' (true-bacteria) were put in the
prokaryotes group. They were blobs without a nuclei, and that was where they belonged.
However, things started to get a bit more
complicated the more people looked at
archaebacteria. They weren't just a group of slightly odd bacteria, they were something else. Something different. Although their metabolic pathways are similar to bacteria, their methods of turning DNA into proteins more resembles
eukaryotic processes. Their flagella (
tentacle like structures used for movement) have a markedly different structure from bacterial flagella. Like bacteria, they reproduce asexually and (also like bacteria) they can share their DNA around,
in fact they can also share there DNA
with bacteria, which makes taxonomists tear their hair out. It's very difficult to classify something when it keeps giving its DNA away, and collecting bits from other sources.
It is proposed in the
SGM journal (
Society for General Microbiology-journal not available on line) that the term '
prokaryote' should be scrapped altogether. As well as being an incorrect label for a large group of organisms it also produces an incorrect evolutionary perspective. The use of the eukaryote/
prokaryote terms suggests a very human based linear "One upon a time there were blobs with no nuclei and then they got nuclei and then they were better" sort of story. A more correct view is that of all three
superkingdoms; bacteria,
archaea and
eukaryotes splitting away from each other.
Eukaryotes safely packaging their DNA away, allowing a more complex system to build up, yet
forfeiting the ability to share bits of DNA. The
archaea and bacteria on the other hand, continued to share their genetic material, just became more selective about it as they diverged (
hense the 'mostly'
seperate history).
Or maybe not. It might be that the
eubacteria formed a very selective group of blobs, which then split further when some developed a nucleus, while the others continued to share their DNA with the bacteria, picking up different metabolic secrets. It's hard to work out; especially given that similarities between the DNA of
archaea and bacteria does not necessarily show their relatedness; it might be a gene that has remained conserved in both of them for millions of years, or it might just be one that was exchanged last week.
There a several
arguments against removing the '
prokaryote' as a naming system but most of them boil down to the very
argument of: "but they're all just blobs!" The three
superkingdoms of
bacteria and eukaryote are a far more accurate, and scientifically and
taxonomically correct way of looking at things than the
prokaryote/eukaryote model.
My only complaint is that I spent
ages in secondary school trying to learn how to spell '
prokaryote'... removing the name means I could have spent that time doing something far more building paper planes and reading '