Field of Science


Well, I know things have been a little silent around this blog, and there are a couple of reasons for this. One of them I can't say, and will be clear later, one of them is far too personal for a blog, and the other I feel I can share with any of my loyal readers who might have popped in to look at the cobwebs.

In less than a week, the Lab Rat is getting married:

Picture from House of Mouse - who apparently makes lots of these...

Exciting though blogging is, wedding preparations have unfortunately had to take precedent, and seeing as I'm actually no longer working in a lab (and not regularly exposed to papers) it was quite hard to make time to find as much interested bacterial research as I would like.

I'll be back by the second weekend in April, and ready to start properly blogging again, probably twice weekly posts, and possibly some more exciting information...

And for those interested I'll be keeping the same name, I'll just be Mrs Lab Rat, rather than Miss Lab Rat. Hopefully some day Dr Lab Rat as well!


EcoPhysioMichelle said...


Hannah Waters said...

Congrats, S! Have a wonderful time

James said...


Liz said...

Congratulations! :) I hope it's awesome.

Lucas Brouwers said...

Wow, that's wonderful news. Congratulations!

Captain Skellett said...

Cute mice, or should I say, rats!

Christina said...

Aww I'm finally catching up on blogs (yikes!) congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!