I HAVE A GUEST BLOG POST AT SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN! I am really excited about this as it gave me a chance to write a proper essay-style blog post with a good load of references. It's also a good place to make your point of view known, so if you have anything you've ever wanted to say about synthetic biology, or the ethics and applications of, go stick a note in the comments - here. I'd relaly appreciate it and so would BoraZ :p
Huge amounts of thanks must go to Bora Zivkovic (twitter @BoraZ and blog on the link above, who gave me the chance to write there.

I am really proud of the Cambridge iGEM team, who made the finalists this year, and also won an award for best wiki (read it here!).
There was a lot of love for the Gibson Assembly song as well. But in general I think an amazing amount of effort has gone into this from all the iGEM teams, I hope they all had an amazing time and enjoyed the conference in Boston. The full results of the competition can be found here.

CARNIVAL TIME! The next edition of the MolBio carnival will be held here at Lab Rat and I'd love to make it a nice big one. If you've written any MolBio articles this month, or plan on writing any, please submit them all here - and I'm usually fairly easy on the strict definition of 'molbio' anything fairly small and scientific will do! If you know anyone who writes good molecular biology posts, go and pester them to submit as well - carnivals are a great way to increase the readership of your blog, and to get your name spread around the internet a bit.
Things are also quite exciting in the real world as well, what with wedding plans, PhD applications, job searching and the first positive-ish results I've had in the lab for a while. Life in general is quite exciting for me at the moment (and to be honest, I think it always has been :D )
Congrats on the SA post! Really enjoyable read. Seems like we are all getting asked to submit with us, you, Hannah Waters, Lucas Bowers etc. Makes a nice series to read through :)
I know! It was really exciting watching all you guys names come up, and then Hannah as well :) I wonder who else Bora asked...
Congrats on the new blog! Looking forward to your posts.
Ooh, exciting times! Congrats!
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